Quick Scrolling Buttons v1.1.0
Was suggested to me by another Admin. I like it!
Love having this capability easily available. It does exactly what it says it will do, and exactly what I wanted!
Would it be difficult to add functionality to interrupt the scrolling by another click? So if I was all the way at the bottom and started to scroll up and saw a graphic, I could click really fast and it would stop scrolling somewhere near the graphic? Not much use on short pages, but I have some pages where the scrolling takes more than a second from bottom to top.
works on v6
Since the pagination buttons << prev 1 2 3 next >> are illogically at the TOP of a thread page, this is going to save me receiving complaints from users because now with one simple click, they can go to the top of the page and continue navigating. Thank you!
Fantastic! the scrolling makes life easier for all. Thank U!
I LOVE them, so much better than the other ones, they take up less space, basic, and simple, you can use whatever colour template with them as well you'll see them in o matter what colour board is. =0)
This looks like it would be good, but for some reason it doesn't work on my forum.
Really love this! Thank you!
Love it! Works perfect and looks great on the forum! Thanks!
Does as intended and gives the option to redesign style of buttons via CSS.
Very nice. Well done and blends well without being obscure or in the way.
Amazing! :D It makes everything so much easier! Thanks!
Visit the library from your admin panel to directly install plugins.
v1.1.0 - January 29, 2018
v1.0.0 - October 15, 2017
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