E Shop v1.2.2
IDRK how it works?... It didn't tell me.
This is good! But, where is it?
its a good plugin but the images do not work and i cant find an actual way to make a transaction?
I would love to rate this better as this seems like a very great idea but I am not able to find it anywhere on my forum and have even looked on the Mini-Profile for it and still couldn't locate it. If someone responds to this to better help me locate this feature I will gladly change my rating.
Great plugin! To those looking: You must go to the micro profile it's there with the Summary/Notifications/Group tabs of your profile are.
Same as the others. I can not find it O.O
Edited on the fields...but it's no where on the forum
only one question: where to use the plugin after installed and edited -.-
Visit the library from your admin panel to directly install plugins.
Uses 1 Key
Uses 2 Super Keys
Uses 2 Super Keys
v1.2.2 - March 29, 2015
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