War v1.6.0

By Pastuleo23  //  Overall Rating stars 1 Vote
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Play standard War
The Yootil Plugin IS REQUIRED before this plugin.
Audio option for when a war breaks out.
Same layout as my other card games.
Special option for Monetary System users if you want to award Currency for a "COMPLETED" game, which does not include forfeited games.
The Monetary System IS NOT REQUIRED.
Users will use the select members dialog to search by real name or username.
It will only allow one game/challenge per user at any given time.
It's going to start off by sending an alert to the "challenged user" on whatever page they are viewing where they will be able to accept or deny the challenge. (when they navigate to a new page)
Then they will be navigated to the user page of the challenger.
If they have forfeited it will alert you.
A user is allowed to be 1 battle ahead of the other player, to make gameplay faster.
A refresh button in the lower left corner will be used manually to check if the other user is ready.
Fast-paced gameplay due to the nature of the game not requiring the user to think.
Real-Time experience.
Works on profiles or custom page
Sync function
Rules: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_(card_game)


stars By Brady
July 27, 2015
Fantastic plugin! Fun, functionable, and adds a great twist to any forum!
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