Animal Keeper v2.3.3

By Pastuleo23  //  Overall Rating stars 10 Votes
Primary Image
This plugin will allow the purchasing, selling, trading, gifting, and a little interaction with your animals.

Specify Your Species - Whether it's Zombies, Animals, Pokemon, or More
Users Collect Animals and Toys set by YOU
(Optional)Add the Monetary System and you can buy/sell your stuff
Keep track of your animals Happiness with the Happiness Gauge
Take care of them with Brush, Feed, Pet, Wash, Train, and Clean - Just drop it on the Animal
OR Change them to whatever you want
Custom Alert Messages - Your plugin will say what you want it to say
Profile Page Support - If you want it on everyone's profile page, it's there
Custom Page Support - If you want it on just one page, You got it. (Page Setup Required see below)
(Optional)Visual Field - Have and set an actual playground for your Animals to play
Set the Width and Height or allow the User to set it
Allow the user to set images for backgrounds and animals or set interactions for toys
You have the option to change virtually any image and text in the plugin (Just don't be overwhelmed)
Change the Font name, size, or style
Change the pictures for the Happiness Gauge
The Animal and Toy shops are completely your design (you can set limited edition items too)
Image Layer, set layers so that some images can be in front of/behind others.
(Optional)Movement - Set your Animals to move around your 2D field with 4 Directions, Flip, and Rotate
(Optional)Add Poop to the field for users who don't like to clean up
(Optional)Extra Fields - You want users to save extra data you can. Add a field that saves horses shoe size or anything you could desire.
(Optional)Aging System - Specify how many real days counts as a virtual year and keep track of their age
(Optional)Death System - Go a step further and specify what age certain animals will die
Cool 'Up to Date' Animation so you can browse in style.
(Optional)Quick Navigator - For those who want stuff done now
Word Art Images - For a pleasing view that you can change or make your own at:
(Optional)Text Instead of Images - Don't like those fancy graphics? Set them as plain text
Alerts will tell you a summary of what's going on even while your not on the page. Delay it's next appearing by 10 minutes, 2 hours, or Turn it off. Know when Animals grow older, when happiness changes, last cleaned the yard, when a friend helped you out, when someone gives you something, when an animal dies.
Sort Through Columns of Name, Nickname, and Animal alphabetically with a click of a column

Data Security - The only person who modifies your key data is you. No overwrites. Other's securely add existing data but you do the changes.
Data Integrity - You can delete animals/toys and modify them under manage plugin to create a limited time or limited quantity experience without affecting user data.
Data Retention - There is a backup in place, if the user's key gets erased completely. It will notify the user and their key will be restored from localStorage. (Note: This also means if data gets erased via manage plugin, some users can still restore previous data)
Malicious Prevention - If there is a user that you want to restrict from this plugin, just block the user from key access on the manage plugin screen.

Adopt them for money, adopt them for free.
Sell them for money, give them to a friend, or release them.
Set a percentage of money they get for selling.
Set the Name, Description, Price, Image, How fast they age, Whether they can be gifted, If they need extra fields of information, if they die, and limited quantity.
Theme the plugin how you want - Make it a farm, fish aquarium, a zombie apocalypse, or a Pokemon world
Take care of them in your yard to keep their happiness up.
Choose which alerts you want to see at a user level.
Brushing Produces bubbles on the screen (you can change this image)
Petting Produces hearts on the screen (you can change this image)
Training plays a sound file (you can change this file)
5 actions on an animal will increase it's happiness by one level.

There's hardly anything you can't do with this biggest plugin ever.

Custom Page Setup:
Go to whateveryoursiteiscalled
Create New Custom Page
Title - Animal Keeper (or whatever you want)
ID - animal-keeper
Go to HTML Tab and Paste:
<div class='container show-user'><div class='title-bar'><h2><center>Animal Keeper</center></h2></div>
<div class = 'content cap-bottom'><div class='ui-tabMenu'></div><div class = 'pad-all-double clear'></div><center>
<a class="button" id="akthome" onclick="akcustompageselect('user')" role="button" style="visibility: visible;">
</a>   <a class="button" id="aktfar" onclick="akcustompageselect('other')" role="button" style="visibility: visible;">
</a><br><br><span id='akholdmoney' class="money_wallet_amount" style="display:none;visibility: hidden;"></span></center>
<script type="text/javascript">
var keeperTitle = proboards.plugin.get('animal_keeper').settings.tab_title;
if(keeperTitle == '')
{ keeperTitle = 'Animal Keeper';

Some minor modifications can be made, like changing 'Animal Keeper' to whatever you desire.
Save Changes
Now you can navigate to: whateveryoursiteiscalled
Click on Travel Home to open your profile, or Travel Far to look up a user profile by name

Please Report any bugs found or features that do not work as expected so that I can patch them.
Special Thanks To: Virgil Sovereign, ۞ Σℓƒ ۞, TinMachine, Timebomb007, tgreen, ღ Luv ღ, and everyone else who tested, gave input, and liked this plugin during development. I wouldn't have done it without your support.
Also Hawkeye/Loki for the original request.


February 9, 2016
Someone care to explain how to open the game?
January 14, 2016
I cant figure out how to add this to my forum!?! I r4eacon this plug in is great, it would be better if i could figure out how to use it!
stars By Admin
June 26, 2015
Can't get anything to work
May 24, 2015
Very good, 5 stars! You need to have this plugin on your forum.
stars By Admin
May 17, 2015
Cannot paste this onto my forum.
April 26, 2015
The options in this plugin are truly unlimited! It's very user-friendly and customizable.
April 23, 2015
Won't let me paste it, I'll have to type the whole thing out
April 19, 2015
stars By BLC
April 13, 2015
This plug in gets better and better with every update. Very versatile.
stars By Admin
March 31, 2015
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